Hello world!

This is really a thing long overdue. A proper introduction of myself. In case you’re wondering who the heck this little Asian-looking-but-not-quite-Asian, Australian-accented-but-Dutch-nationality person is.

Well, that’s a long story, but the short answer. I consider myself awesome. Or FLAW-esome. Which is probably more socially acceptable, however I must stress that I don’t do socially acceptable very well. How does that show up?

Thank goodness not by BO, but by doing random things like working in Papua New Guinea in the Oil & Gas sector. Or starting my own company with a partner whilst also having 2 babies in the space of 18 months. Or moving into a place in the Netherlands whilst 7.5 months pregnant and finally getting that hospital and midwife locked in JUST in time :D. More likely, it shows up in daily life when you engage with me in the form of that ‘honest’ or ‘awkward’ question, that piece of feedback that you didn’t really want to hear but still was valuable. Or that plot twist or upside-down-view on something which you hadn’t considered before.

Adventure is in my blood and it comes out in the strangest ways. Due to the temporary affliction of small children it manifested in the form of trying on the start up costume. And right now by trying on the investor costume at the same time. Sometimes that’s the same piece of “clothing”, sometimes it is not.

All in all, if you’re intensely curious like me, I suggest we meet up and explore together. Because alone you may go faster, however together you go further.

Let’s chat!