Purpose – I found it….I think?

It’s been 2 years since I last wrote. I am writing again because, well, I feel so inclined. Reading the last post, it is still valid and pretty accurate, though I can now add that I have ‘found’ my purpose.

How that showed up is in the form of a feeling. Something clicked as it were when I realised and verbalised that I want enough for all. For everyone. And that part of wanting that is the reason I started my business (then Futurist Collective and now ww.epichub.org).

It’s not that there isn’t enough of everything. There is (abundance everywhere), it’s a distribution issue mainly. With a lot of root causes – let’s not dive in because I don’t have all the answers and this would become a very VERY long post.

One of the things I’ve been focused on and playing with is money. In particular start up funding. With EPIC I wish to help impact driven people achieve impact and benefit many. One of the things hard for every start up but in particular for impact driven founders is funding. And i believe a different mechanism which better aligns incentives for investors and founders than equity investing would help accelerate these impact driven founders.

So EPIC sets out to achieve enough for everyone whilst leaving the world better than we found it. By a) applying revenue based financing so that focus is as much as possible on growing a sustainable impactful business, b) leveraging people’s talents and connections to help de-risk the investment and c) growing the impact not just for the people in business, or investing, but for the world they’re serving as well.

That’s the aim of the game. That’s what I’m intending to make happen. That’s what aligns with that ‘click’, my purpose. Just imagining this makes me smile.

If you’re not convinced yet, please check out the below. I am willing to bet on this. Are you?

much love, Elianne